Who we with clients is connected to how we feel inside.

Woman wearing headphones outdoors with eyes closed, enjoying music in a green, sunny environment.

Offering a co-regulatory experience for therapists from a grounded and curious place.

Have you ever noticed:

  • Sitting with clients can feel confusing and overwhelming quickly.

  • You jump into fixing mode too quickly.

  • You overthink after sessions, worrying you made missteps.

  • In case consultation you overfocus on content and not process.

  • You have trouble accessing clinical intuition

  • You share information about mindfulness or grounding, but feel awkward actually doing it with clients.

how i can help

Polyvagal Theory gave us a roadmap to understand the body. The Safe and Sound Protocol gives us a tool to intervene and restore.

Therapists are Human too.

Subconsciously, your nervous system is always looking for cues of safety from other people through things like body language, facial expression or tone of voice.

But if you have a harder time interpreting these cues of safety due to past experiences or the way you take in information, your brain and body can misinterpret these cues, limiting your ability to connect in a meaningful way.

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system, so you can better connect with yourself, others and the world around you. Although it’s only 5 hours in length, the benefits last much longer. Through the specially filtered music, the SSP sends cues of safety to your nervous system, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.

reasons this might be of interest for you:

You are an EMDR therapist and looking for new ways to explore phase two work with clients.

You have been curious about the Safe and Sound Protocol and wonder if you should pursue the training.

You want to understand how to read and map the nervous system using a polyvagal lens with clients.

You have felt isolated in your practice and want to be held in consultation in a way that isn’t about sharing case consultations or being overly intellectual about your reflective process.

You crave the ability to access self energy with clients and can maintain your composure and calm engaging with others, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships.

I want you to know:

You deserve to feel fulfilled as a therapist and offer a healing container for clients.

It starts with our physiology and ends with your unique gifts and talents. Let’s hone this together.


Common questions about the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

  • The SSP uses music that you may already be familiar with. The music is filtered through an algorithm that enhances intonation changes within the frequency range of the human voice, training the auditory processing system to attune to cues of safety.

    A classical playlist is also available as a non-vocal, trauma-sensitive and accessible alternative that maintains the essential elements and original algorithms of the SSP.

  • The SSP Works alongside other therapies

    It can also be combined with and is supportive of other therapies, including:

    Neurodevelopmental treatment, such as occupational therapy, play therapy and sensory integration therapy

    Other forms of mental health and trauma therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), and Internal Family Systems (IFS)

    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of talk therapy (e.g. DBT, MCBT, etc.)

  • Let’s set up a time to talk further. My consultation calls are informative and comfortable and there is no obligation. If the Safe and Sound Protocol isn’t for you, I can help provide ideas of possible next steps.

  • For current clients, I include the SSP for no additional charge. For those seeking the SSP as a standalone service we will over the pricing during a consultation call and I will customize a program designed for your specific needs.

Ready to get started?

Take care of your body's foundation first and the rest follows.